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Feedgy at Intersolar 2024: Repowering in Europe!

The Feedgy team is about to cross borders with its first presence at Intersolar, the international benchmark exhibition for the solar industry, which will take place in Munich from June 19 to 21. Pioneers of Repowering in France since 2015, we are taking advantage of this new edition of Intersolar to present our latest innovations to Europe! Come visit us at Hall C4, Stand 290, and let’s explore sustainable solutions for your existing photovoltaic installations and discuss upcoming projects! 

There is no Plant B 

Thanks to Repowering, it is possible to capitalize on existing surfaces and increase the production of a solar plant by 62%, and its profitability by 30%. The term “Repowering” involves the complete or partial replacement of old energy infrastructure with new, more efficient installations, leading to an increase in energy production capacity. 

Join us at our stand, where our experts will show you how Repowering is now an essential solution for solar energy production. 

Make the Plant Great Again

“Boost existing solar plants!” 

Through Repowering, we breathe new life into these installations, enhancing their performance and extending their durability. This revitalization process offers several key benefits: it reduces operational costs through more efficient maintenance, significantly increases energy production, and improves the overall reliability of the plant. Additionally, Repowering allows us to leverage recent technological advances to adapt plants to current environmental standards, while maximizing the initial return on investment. 

At Feedgy, we use heterojunction panels to ensure optimal conversion of sunlight into electricity, thereby ensuring increased performance and optimized energy efficiency. 

In other words, “Make the Plant Great Again” transforms old photovoltaic installations into vital components of our energy and environmental strategy. 

Time to Re Act: Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Maintenance 

“Time to Re Act” at Feedgy embodies the urgency of acting quickly in the field of photovoltaic installation maintenance. Thanks to our Re Act solution, an advanced decision-making system based on artificial intelligence and data analysis, we radically transform the way maintenance is carried out by optimizing energy production and streamlining field operations. 

Re Act uses machine learning to detect invisible defects that could affect the performance of solar plants and analyzes the health status of each installation in real-time. This system centralizes data from various monitoring systems and presents it on a single interface, simplifying the surveillance and analysis of installations. 

With a production forecast accuracy of over 97% (a 10% improvement over the state of the art) and real-time detection of visible and invisible defects (1 day to detect the appearance of a defect), Re Act offers unparalleled efficiency. 

The strength of Re Act lies in its ability to prioritize necessary interventions, allowing maintenance teams to focus on the most urgent and critical issues. This significantly reduces intervention time and improves the overall efficiency of operations while ensuring proactive management of photovoltaic infrastructure. 

With Re Act, Feedgy offers a solution that not only increases the energy efficiency of installations but also ensures greater sustainability through predictive and effective maintenance. 

Join the Repower Generation!

Repowering, Artificial Intelligence… Feedgy offers cutting-edge solutions and innovative applications in the photovoltaic sector! Thanks to our Research and Development team, composed of photovoltaic, agronomy, and photonic optics engineers, we push our research in the fields of photonics and agronomy. We constantly seek to reconcile profitability and productivity

Having obtained 10 patents, we have also developed the first photovoltaic panel certified by TÜV SÜD. This panel is designed to optimize both agricultural production and electricity generation through the use of photonic technology. It is particularly beneficial for the floriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture sectors. 

Come discover our innovations and discuss with our researchers their latest advancements! 

The “Repower Generation” responds to the urgent need for sustainability and efficiency in the solar energy sector. It marks a turning point towards solutions that improve energy production capacity and are in harmony with the environment. 

“We look forward to seeing you at Intersolar 2024”

Ready to join the Repower Generation? Schedule a meeting with our experts by visiting our appointment page and discover how we are pushing towards a sustainable energy future. 

Join us in Munich Hall C4 Stand 290 to explore the new frontiers of solar energy!

See you soon, the Feedgy team.