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Don't loose another 10 years

Reboosting your solar plant: Seize the next decade

Don't wait another decade to maximize your solar energy potential. If your installation isn't performing optimally or if the manufacturer is no longer available, Feedgy has the solution: Reboosting.

As a leading player in repowering since 2015, Feedgy delivers unparalleled results. Our expertise spans three key areas:

Definition of Repowering

The term "repowering," also translated into French as "renouvellement d'une unité de production d'énergie," involves the total or partial replacement of old energy infrastructure with newer, more efficient installations, resulting in an increase in energy production capacity.

Feedgy's Repowering: The Reboosting

The production gains achieved through Feedgy's repowering intervention are so remarkable that we've dubbed it "Reboosting"!

For a 12-year-old installation, we provide our clients with a minimum increase of 62% in production per square meter.

In concrete terms, "Reboosting" means...

For an installation that is 12 years old, we offer our clients a minimum increase of 62% in production per square meter.

Feedgy doesn't just settle for replacing your old equipment.

To achieve the best performance, Feedgy relies on its mastery of photonics physics:

Choice of Materials

Feedgy selects high-quality materials for panels, inverters, and all equipment, utilizing the latest technologies available in the market.

Light Treatment

Light is the fuel for solar panels. Research conducted by the Feedgy Lab has identified new sources of energy production amplification, which enhance the overall efficiency of the installation.


For us, Reboosting means optimizing photovoltaic plants with a unique approach: co-innovating with our solar panel manufacturer to make the most of your available land and the sunlight it receives.

When to Consider Repowering?

Repowering is worthwhile when the difference between current production and potential production is significant enough to achieve a return on investment.

The decline in performance of an installation is not always obvious. In this context, you need a precise audit, especially when the purchase tariff is increasing.

Solar technology is evolving rapidly.

The equipment installed on photovoltaic plants just a few years ago becomes obsolete more quickly and has significantly lower capabilities compared to current offerings.

Another trigger for repowering can be:

Poor design, installation errors, premature aging of certain components in the plant, etc., which can lead to a decline in overall performance.

Another question to consider is:

Do you want to remain a player in electricity production once the contract with EDF OA (EDF Obligation d'Achat) is completed? If so, action is needed now!
There will be a significant difference after the expiration of the initial purchase tariff: the sooner you act, the faster your return on investment will be. In fact, the revenue generated based on the initial purchase tariff will be much higher than what it will be once the initial contract is completed.

Used Panel Revaluation Service

In line with our ecological commitment, old panels are either recycled or reutilized if they are still functional.

In France, it is not permissible to reuse your panels for a new installation with a new electricity purchase contract due to regulatory standards. However, if your panels are still producing, we assist you in revaluing them to enable you to derive a benefit from them nonetheless. Feedgy has established a dedicated service to give these panels a second life in a country where they will have a meaningful and practical purpose.

If the degradation of the panel is too severe for it to produce at a satisfactory level safely:

Its components will be recycled to prevent pollution and extend the life of materials for new use.

What is the recyclable portion of a solar panel? Between 70% and 98%!

Feedgy collaborates with Soren, the eco-organization accredited by the authorities for the recycling of photovoltaic panels in France. It actively participates in working groups to improve the reuse and recycling of degraded panels and also engages in R&D projects for innovation and the eco-design of solar panel manufacturers.

All types of solar installations are eligible for Reboosting:




Agrivoltaic installations

The Solution

Is your solar activity carried out in conjunction with your agricultural operation? Do you engage in horticultural activities such as market gardening, fruit and vegetable cultivation, fruit trees, vineyards, and more ? We have dedicated solutions for farmers; discover them!

Are you a solar industry professional with a significant portfolio? We have developed innovative services for Independent Power Producers (IPPs)

Discover How to Boost Your Income

Step 1

Replace the existing plant while maintaining a similar power output on a surface area almost halved.

Step 2

Utilize the available space to install a new plant, thereby increasing the installed power.

Step 3

Maximize surface efficiency, meaning power per square meter, to make the most of every square meter.

Our Reboosting Support

Did you know that repowering your plant can extend its lifespan, optimize its production, all while preserving your electricity purchase tariff? After a comprehensive audit of your installation, we proceed with an upgrade, minimizing the downtime of your plant.

Our unique approach allows you to maximize the use of your land without the administrative hassles of a new plant. Feedgy's comprehensive support addresses legal, administrative, and financial obligations through a single point of contact throughout the project.

Our team of experts, combining technical, financial, and legal expertise, accompanies you throughout your project, ensuring a seamless project execution with peace of mind.

Financial Projection

The economic viability of the project is validated prior to the contract, thanks to gain projection algorithms. Once the technical study is conducted, we provide you with a 20-year vision of the profitability of your investment.

Technical Engineering

We create an optimized project for each application: geographical context, material selection, orientation, etc. All the characteristics that make your installation unique are studied to offer you the best solution.

Legal Engineering

With its experience in over 200 repowering projects, Feedgy handles the administrative aspects of your site by acting as an intermediary with third-party stakeholders necessary for the compliance of the renovated installation: EDF OA, ENEDIS, etc.

Excellence in Construction

The installation itself is carried out by one of our trusted partners or by your usual installer/maintainer. Quality and adherence to safety standards are essential criteria for all our projects.